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2016 Free Motion Embroidery Workshops


2016 Free Motion Embroidery Workshops

Victoria Pollard

The first Blueberryblossom Free Motion Embroidery workshop of the year will be on Thurdsay 4th February at Sunshine No. 1 but I thought it would be good to share all of this years themes with you.

Please get in touch if you are interested in any of the workshops and I'll pop you on my email list.... And if there's a particular theme you like the sound of best I will let you know the date just as soon as they are all scheduled in!

February - Love and Romance - From hearts and roses to written declarations!

March - Easter - Chicks and eggs and bunnies and resurrections if you’d like too

April - Sunshine & Rain  - A look at the good old Scottish weather in all its glory

May - Afternoon Tea  - Teapots and fancy china with cupcakes, cakes on stands and finger sandwiches, your imagination will get you mouth watering!

June - Birds & Feathers  - Our winged friends in all their glory

July - The Great Outdoors  - From camper vans to wigwams, to grassy fields and trees

August - Under The Sea  - Coral, fish, squid or sharks, we’ll look at how we can stitch them!

September - Retro Tattoos  - Hearts and daggers, swallows and scrolls…

October - Halloween  - From ghosts and ghouls to pumpkins and witches

November - Winter Wonderland - Snow capped trees and mountains, and maybe a bit of christmas too…

December - Christmas - Santa and Rudolph and snowmen and presents and stockings and puddings that make you fat to keep you warm!